today was just boring. work. and more work. and when i say work, i also mean slacking off a whole other load of work.
maybe the only consolation is watching funny movies on youtube. thank YOUtube... weird al rocks. not just his songs, but his videos. weird... but its not that weird. just hilarious. i wonder what the world would be like without him...
then i got this brilliant idea for camp(RIGE). last year during war games, someone fell down and injured himself, so mr. tan will probably not allow any sort of war games unless its in the morning. not very fun. so, i was thinking. instead of that war where you pull people's tails out, why not a war where you actually shoot people? or even more relevant, a war on terror? and there's a games in war games for a reason. so, the obvious answer would be Counter-strike!
Ya, you may say its outrageous. there's no way he'd let us do that. its a computer game. but then think again. computer games in the FPS genre usually help out in the psychomotor department. importantr for guitar. also improves finger motor ability. also guitar. teamwork will be required to win(against seniors at least). team work is good. then fun. sure beats pulling peoples tails. and no injuries! or at worst someone sprains a finger while trying to press the keys.
so counter strike doesn't have anything to do with guitar? rifles sure look like guitars. and theres even guitars which look a hell lot like rifles. both make loud noises. you hold both by the neck in your un dominant hand. and you control the sound with your dominant hand. there. guitars and rifles.
but what's an eevn better reason for us to do it? cos we actually can!!! got com science club people in guitar. and not talking about any old memebers. talking about high ranking officials. like daniel and yichen. daniel being vice chair. see. told you very high. a high chair. that sounds weird.
more importantly, i don't think we would be able to whoop juniors asses if we actually play actual war games. but if cs, got pros like daniel and linky! and others. and got not too pathetic guys like me. probably get fragged a lot, but kill quite a few also. and that's cos i never play cs at home and go lanning very rarely. must be my console FPS experience.
and in cs we can dictate the rules! we will be in complete control. kicking peopel out of the server if they don't comply or stuff. i like absolute power...
now got ERP. not electronic road pricing. Extensive reading programme. some english thing. actually a cheem way of saying book review or report. so i've finished reading my book long ago. about feynman. nice guy. then now got to do the report. and i have no idea what the projects are. you're supposed to choose one of a few projects. but then i can't remember. i actualy need to go check...
then, my printer out of ink. ya. now truly out of ink. last time was almost. now its out of ink. you think it will work if i go put a pen in the printer and tie it to the moving thingy?
suddenly i'm filled with a sadness. so much to do so little time. which is kind of sad. thats why the sadness. and then i try to think of happy thoughts. but i don't. i said try, not say i think happy thoughts. i tried didn't i? then i try again. this time i do think happy thoughts. and then i forget about work and stuff.
as if RE wasn't bad enought, got a mini RE for malay. MINI?????!!!!!!no way that can be mini. got a
proposal, report, presentation and the report is like an
actual RE report!!!!!! now i got to think up of a topic. its kinda stupid actually.
I'm just ranting cos i'm bored. or insecure. or like to rant. or any 2 of the above. or all three of the above. i can't remember what i said to heck. i'll stop this post