Hi again. i bet everyone is on the edge of their seats, waiting anxiously for my next blog post! i'm sorry but some of the links are a bit outdated. but i still notice that SOME OF YOU STILL HAVENY LINKED ME! Don't think i dont know. I dont write doesnt mean i dont read other blogs. the only reason i dont write is cos reading takes less time than writing. most of the time at least.
School starts tomorrow. and probably on tuesday or wednesday we'll have a maths test. integration. i think i've gotten the hang of it. probably the challenge will be time as usual. i just hope i dont get a lousy mark. need to pull up my maths grade. and magship. physics project which makes up a huge percentage of the grade. i still think we can make it work despite our first attempt. but that was a first attempt.
I just realised that exams are only a few weeks away. its kinda unfair. i wished that i had more time. or had taken it earlier so i could enjoy the time now. but RI is like that. i wont complain, cos i had fun some time ago.
Now i'm looking to get a new guitar. almost the same as my current one. but higher end. and made in japan. and prefably white, but the first 2 criteria are more important. looking for someone to buy my guitar, so i can have more money to spend. selling for $1500. actual price is $2400. good deal. steve vai's signature series JEM 555. really good pickups and everything.
speaking about the man, i just fell in love with another of his songs. i still obsess about the audience is listening, but now theres another song. Juice. not jews. really funky. and somehow vai has this sense of humour taht he shows in lots of his songs. if you dont get it go listen to it. DONT DOWNLOAD IT ILEGALLY. ok there. now its not really my business.
Now got to mug for exams. or try desperately to mug. i know its in me somewhere. somewhere deep inside...
Worth Watching
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
this is the time which i started writing. i'll include hte end time later. why? cos i'm being creative. trying to use up the title so that, well, if you read my previous posts youd know.
For those who have been waiting eagerly for my next post, i apologise for the long wait. I have been busy. but my eye is twitching. so i'm lying. i have been lazy/busy/busy and lazy/forgot. mostly the last one. i an pretty forgetful. and now i'm leaving a line after each paragraph.
So whats been up? nothing much. in school theres DMP which is slack. yea. nice. unfortunately my whole free day got taken up by the tan tock seng performance with guitar. but at least i got a whole 4 hours of CIP. and then theres concert on friday. those who havent gotten tix and want to go, i'm really sorry cos were SOLD OUT. even after adding more seats. yea. saddening that RJ is that expensive for so little seats. right now, i think its going to be a failure. cos the ensemble is playing crappily. Juniors playing like crap as usual. and then small groups mostly like crap. like exco item crap. chinatown item crap. so theres left with the endless love people and the hotel california people. not crap. but can still improve a bit more. and theres rock band.
Now if someone wants to help me buy and air con unit in my room, feel free to help me. and i'll let you jam there free. just make sure its not too late at night. and that i'm at home. ya. its fully equipped. even has tv which can receive tv3 and some indonesian channels. and has a fully functioning PS2. with a bunch of games. not too up to date but i think will suffice.
My room gets pretty hot when we jam. we sweat and stuff and its just not too nice. even though i have 2 fans at full blast in there, its an oven. sorry to all you guys who have been in there. but that brings me back to rock band. were ok. our band is pretty decent. weve prepared more than previous years. we have the potential to be the greatest rock band in the history of RAGE. yea. were ok. we could work a bit more, but we got good people. and remember peopel who are going for concert. do shout encore. and we'll play one as an ensemble. nice song dont worry. and then shout encore again after that. if there are enough calls we'll do a special band performance. special. unofficial. cool isnt it?
it got e thinking. in 2 years time, would RAGE have a rock band? cos by the looks of it, there is only like one junior who can play. and by junior i mean sec 2 and 1. ok maybe 2. but thats just 2. so like will the rock band die out? i dont mind coming back and playing for rock band. haha. but i hope it will continue. unless its that bad then might as well dont and spoil RAGE for everybody.
Now to school. Magship is a pain in the neck. it is fun. but we dont have hte detailed plans and precision tolls and calculations that most shipbuilders use. btw magship is a boat whic is propelled using magnets. flemings left hand rule to be exact. the current and magnetic field lind up in a perpendicular position results in a force. which is on the water. and thus the boat moves. we have to build it from screatch. and its tough. i mean its easy lah if you stick to the basics. bare neccessities. but if you want to make it fast. or look cool, thats a totally different matter.
and i finally got DotA. but i cant play. not now at least. i'll have to wait. i'll wait. i'm patient. though i'm not in a hospital or clinic.
and finally i'd like to thank all of you for reading my blog cos... haha thanks anyway even though i cant come up with a reason. but no harm in htanking you anyway. dont you feel good that i thanked you? doesnt it make you feel i'm a nice guy, as if you didnt know i was a nice guy before you read my blog? doesnt it make you feel like reading it again some other time? dont i sound weird asking these questions? haha.
and i'll end off by stating that i finished this post at 12:03am
For those who have been waiting eagerly for my next post, i apologise for the long wait. I have been busy. but my eye is twitching. so i'm lying. i have been lazy/busy/busy and lazy/forgot. mostly the last one. i an pretty forgetful. and now i'm leaving a line after each paragraph.
So whats been up? nothing much. in school theres DMP which is slack. yea. nice. unfortunately my whole free day got taken up by the tan tock seng performance with guitar. but at least i got a whole 4 hours of CIP. and then theres concert on friday. those who havent gotten tix and want to go, i'm really sorry cos were SOLD OUT. even after adding more seats. yea. saddening that RJ is that expensive for so little seats. right now, i think its going to be a failure. cos the ensemble is playing crappily. Juniors playing like crap as usual. and then small groups mostly like crap. like exco item crap. chinatown item crap. so theres left with the endless love people and the hotel california people. not crap. but can still improve a bit more. and theres rock band.
Now if someone wants to help me buy and air con unit in my room, feel free to help me. and i'll let you jam there free. just make sure its not too late at night. and that i'm at home. ya. its fully equipped. even has tv which can receive tv3 and some indonesian channels. and has a fully functioning PS2. with a bunch of games. not too up to date but i think will suffice.
My room gets pretty hot when we jam. we sweat and stuff and its just not too nice. even though i have 2 fans at full blast in there, its an oven. sorry to all you guys who have been in there. but that brings me back to rock band. were ok. our band is pretty decent. weve prepared more than previous years. we have the potential to be the greatest rock band in the history of RAGE. yea. were ok. we could work a bit more, but we got good people. and remember peopel who are going for concert. do shout encore. and we'll play one as an ensemble. nice song dont worry. and then shout encore again after that. if there are enough calls we'll do a special band performance. special. unofficial. cool isnt it?
it got e thinking. in 2 years time, would RAGE have a rock band? cos by the looks of it, there is only like one junior who can play. and by junior i mean sec 2 and 1. ok maybe 2. but thats just 2. so like will the rock band die out? i dont mind coming back and playing for rock band. haha. but i hope it will continue. unless its that bad then might as well dont and spoil RAGE for everybody.
Now to school. Magship is a pain in the neck. it is fun. but we dont have hte detailed plans and precision tolls and calculations that most shipbuilders use. btw magship is a boat whic is propelled using magnets. flemings left hand rule to be exact. the current and magnetic field lind up in a perpendicular position results in a force. which is on the water. and thus the boat moves. we have to build it from screatch. and its tough. i mean its easy lah if you stick to the basics. bare neccessities. but if you want to make it fast. or look cool, thats a totally different matter.
and i finally got DotA. but i cant play. not now at least. i'll have to wait. i'll wait. i'm patient. though i'm not in a hospital or clinic.
and finally i'd like to thank all of you for reading my blog cos... haha thanks anyway even though i cant come up with a reason. but no harm in htanking you anyway. dont you feel good that i thanked you? doesnt it make you feel i'm a nice guy, as if you didnt know i was a nice guy before you read my blog? doesnt it make you feel like reading it again some other time? dont i sound weird asking these questions? haha.
and i'll end off by stating that i finished this post at 12:03am
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Titles. They are quiteuseful. cos then on your previous messages they get pretty organised. however, if you dont use a title, the thing gets all long and ...ed. not very nice. So why do i still persist in not putting titles? cos i cant sum up everything in a title.
Pirates of the Caribbean. interesting. nice lah. i know its big budget, and i can see why. they didnt really spare any expense. except for the kraken i guess. all CGI. really impressive, but its a letdown. with that budget i half expected them to have a real giant squid. I wont really give a spoiler, but it is just obvious that there will be a sequel. nevermind the fact that they already said theres going to be a pirates 3, the movie ends in a way that you know that there will be a sequel. no brainer. i wont spoil it. ok maybe a bit. one question. didnt barbossa die in the first movie? got shot by sparrow. ya. enough about the movie. now to what happened before and after.
right before the movie, there were 4 peopel arguing over a seat. there was a man and a woman, and there were 2 young girls, not that young, teenagers, sitting. so the man and woman went up to them said blah blah dunno what, and then they started shouting and stuff. and the film started. a few seconds into it. missed a word cos of that. so they settled down, and then went to sit somewhere else. after the movie, they started bickering again. and tehn they were like fighting with hands. you know, like "clawing" the air in front of the other person. this was between one of the girls and the woman. all the time the man was shouting stop fighting all that. so he was like pulling the woman away to the exit. then the woman was still fed up so she ran back and like started quarelling, getting more physical. and then the man said stop fighting agin, ran at 3 of tehm adn then did a flying clothesline. or for those who dont know what that is, basically ran and smashed into all 3 and all of tehm fell to the ground. still not enough. the girl was bleeding from the head. crying and angry. and like telling her fren to call the police. went out outside best denki there. and then continued. for some time. people crowding around. i wasnt kpo. so i didnt stick around for long. but they were there for some time. note that this wass all because of a seat and a case of mistaken seats. why get so angry just cos people sit at your seats or ask for your seats thinking its theirs by mistake? Sometimes i doubt that Singapore is like an "advanced society" or some crap like that. speak good english? they definitely swore in fairly proper english. but dont expect peopel to speak good english if they act like this. this is stupid behaviour. really stupid. i know not all singaporeans are like this, but incidents like these cause me to kind of lose faith in the people.
another weird thing. not weird. stupid. What has been going on around the world lately. first its North Korea. they are really asking for trouble when they fired that missile. but they got the right to. look at it this way. if the US and some other countries can use nuclear stuff, tehn why cant N korea? and then iran also. not that theyre making weapons. or at least they claim. i dont think they are, cos the people are quite poor already. they need the energy and stuff. but yet the US and others are like saying cannot. while in Inda, you see the US HELPING them. double standard. and plus, the US has nuclear power. so why cant Iran? if iran can't why can the US use the nuclear power? next, more recently is the lebanon chaos. why? i dunno if i got my exact figures right, but one or a few isreali soldiers captured by Hezabollah. and this warrants the destruction of public property and also the deaths of many innocents? and traded for te POSSIBLE freedom of so little? this is an outrage. i mean, they are wrong to kidnap. i condemn them for kidnappiong. really. however, i believe that israel is going overboard with their bombings. way overboard. and whats the world doing? the world being US. bush says "hezabollah stop doing this shit". when the US president says shit during something international and important, it means something. it means he's really pissed. i dont care if he says it at home every few seconds or something. but this is major. different for a british royal. spewing profanities by accident. back to the main thing. bush is pissed. at hezabollah. meaning he is supporting israel. i believe, of the 2 wrongs, israel is doing worse. and bush sees differently. of course, israel is his fren. eck, not just his, but every US president. for example, people are throwing STONES at israeli soldiers, they make noise. Israeli army uses helicopter gunboats and shooting with missiles. they dont care. double standard. this are, if i may put so bluntly, stupid. not anyone in particular. the whole world is messed up. the world situation is messed up.
I hope i dont get sued or caught by the ISD or NSA or CIA FBI Mossad or something for this. i just felt that i needed to say this. if you do have differring opinions, youre entitled to have them. but if you would like to discuss can leave a message on the tagboard. if you agree can also leave a message on the tag board. whatever it is you can leave messages on my tagboard....
Pirates of the Caribbean. interesting. nice lah. i know its big budget, and i can see why. they didnt really spare any expense. except for the kraken i guess. all CGI. really impressive, but its a letdown. with that budget i half expected them to have a real giant squid. I wont really give a spoiler, but it is just obvious that there will be a sequel. nevermind the fact that they already said theres going to be a pirates 3, the movie ends in a way that you know that there will be a sequel. no brainer. i wont spoil it. ok maybe a bit. one question. didnt barbossa die in the first movie? got shot by sparrow. ya. enough about the movie. now to what happened before and after.
right before the movie, there were 4 peopel arguing over a seat. there was a man and a woman, and there were 2 young girls, not that young, teenagers, sitting. so the man and woman went up to them said blah blah dunno what, and then they started shouting and stuff. and the film started. a few seconds into it. missed a word cos of that. so they settled down, and then went to sit somewhere else. after the movie, they started bickering again. and tehn they were like fighting with hands. you know, like "clawing" the air in front of the other person. this was between one of the girls and the woman. all the time the man was shouting stop fighting all that. so he was like pulling the woman away to the exit. then the woman was still fed up so she ran back and like started quarelling, getting more physical. and then the man said stop fighting agin, ran at 3 of tehm adn then did a flying clothesline. or for those who dont know what that is, basically ran and smashed into all 3 and all of tehm fell to the ground. still not enough. the girl was bleeding from the head. crying and angry. and like telling her fren to call the police. went out outside best denki there. and then continued. for some time. people crowding around. i wasnt kpo. so i didnt stick around for long. but they were there for some time. note that this wass all because of a seat and a case of mistaken seats. why get so angry just cos people sit at your seats or ask for your seats thinking its theirs by mistake? Sometimes i doubt that Singapore is like an "advanced society" or some crap like that. speak good english? they definitely swore in fairly proper english. but dont expect peopel to speak good english if they act like this. this is stupid behaviour. really stupid. i know not all singaporeans are like this, but incidents like these cause me to kind of lose faith in the people.
another weird thing. not weird. stupid. What has been going on around the world lately. first its North Korea. they are really asking for trouble when they fired that missile. but they got the right to. look at it this way. if the US and some other countries can use nuclear stuff, tehn why cant N korea? and then iran also. not that theyre making weapons. or at least they claim. i dont think they are, cos the people are quite poor already. they need the energy and stuff. but yet the US and others are like saying cannot. while in Inda, you see the US HELPING them. double standard. and plus, the US has nuclear power. so why cant Iran? if iran can't why can the US use the nuclear power? next, more recently is the lebanon chaos. why? i dunno if i got my exact figures right, but one or a few isreali soldiers captured by Hezabollah. and this warrants the destruction of public property and also the deaths of many innocents? and traded for te POSSIBLE freedom of so little? this is an outrage. i mean, they are wrong to kidnap. i condemn them for kidnappiong. really. however, i believe that israel is going overboard with their bombings. way overboard. and whats the world doing? the world being US. bush says "hezabollah stop doing this shit". when the US president says shit during something international and important, it means something. it means he's really pissed. i dont care if he says it at home every few seconds or something. but this is major. different for a british royal. spewing profanities by accident. back to the main thing. bush is pissed. at hezabollah. meaning he is supporting israel. i believe, of the 2 wrongs, israel is doing worse. and bush sees differently. of course, israel is his fren. eck, not just his, but every US president. for example, people are throwing STONES at israeli soldiers, they make noise. Israeli army uses helicopter gunboats and shooting with missiles. they dont care. double standard. this are, if i may put so bluntly, stupid. not anyone in particular. the whole world is messed up. the world situation is messed up.
I hope i dont get sued or caught by the ISD or NSA or CIA FBI Mossad or something for this. i just felt that i needed to say this. if you do have differring opinions, youre entitled to have them. but if you would like to discuss can leave a message on the tagboard. if you agree can also leave a message on the tag board. whatever it is you can leave messages on my tagboard....
Friday, July 14, 2006
Yay i dled project 64. for those who dont know, its an emulator for the nintendo 64. and i've been playing SSB(super smash bros.). its coolios. although graphics arent that great, its ok. the gameplay is nice, and it is quite an old system. and by old, well not really old. just old comparitively. a few years from now people will say that the xbox is obsolete and old. technology is amazing.
amazingly the yoyo is back in fashion. kinda. cos its not like cazy, but its ok. i got to know that the new yoyos they sell at 7-11, theyre ok lah. actually quite good. just that its not smooth and eats away at the string. but it has the potential to sleep real long. and by long i mean like over 30 sec. and its made by teh company which was set up by that yoyo guy, yo hans. how cool. it costs 18 bucks for this version. the upgraded version, the 401 compared to this 201, is 99 us. crazy. ya. but its crazy good too. haha.
on to other stuff. tmr is open house. and we got to dk. which is kind of screwed. cos we didnt practice much. usual thing. i frankly do care, but then i'm so fed up i dont care. weird. so we're probably going to screw up tomorrow.
and concert would be fine. somehow recently i feel that the main ensemble is going to screw up somehow. talking about concert, RG guitar nite was great. we were great. i noticed the ensemble was really classical. i mean REAL classical. well they could do better for rock band but it was a good effort. although i think the acoustic medleys owned. and of course yufang lah. hats off to her. and was i really over expressive? its called feeling, and showing off and poser.
amazingly the yoyo is back in fashion. kinda. cos its not like cazy, but its ok. i got to know that the new yoyos they sell at 7-11, theyre ok lah. actually quite good. just that its not smooth and eats away at the string. but it has the potential to sleep real long. and by long i mean like over 30 sec. and its made by teh company which was set up by that yoyo guy, yo hans. how cool. it costs 18 bucks for this version. the upgraded version, the 401 compared to this 201, is 99 us. crazy. ya. but its crazy good too. haha.
on to other stuff. tmr is open house. and we got to dk. which is kind of screwed. cos we didnt practice much. usual thing. i frankly do care, but then i'm so fed up i dont care. weird. so we're probably going to screw up tomorrow.
and concert would be fine. somehow recently i feel that the main ensemble is going to screw up somehow. talking about concert, RG guitar nite was great. we were great. i noticed the ensemble was really classical. i mean REAL classical. well they could do better for rock band but it was a good effort. although i think the acoustic medleys owned. and of course yufang lah. hats off to her. and was i really over expressive? its called feeling, and showing off and poser.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Q&A session
now i'm blogging again.
What happened to me?
went for RG drama.
how was it?
nice. ok. funny.
was it good?
i would guess. the actors quite emo. good thing. and can act all soppy. dunno if thats the right adjective.
what else did i do?
anima e corpo. performed. i think we wowed the audience. ya. tha most spectacular.
should you have gone?
YES! and it was charity.
and what else?
got this small performance for youth day which was screwed.
we got a band together at 12 the night before. and then the amps were screwed up. not really lah. just too soft.
why so last minute?
cos some people pulled out. and then pulled back in again.
am i angry?
not really. just a bit pissed. more at the gig than the people who caused it.
so am i busy?
yes. still got to finish my big malay hw. its crazy i tell you. and went for swee lee sale.
was the queue long?
rhetoric qn.
how long did i wait for?
i started queueing at 1040. and left at almost 2.
what did i get?
short cable, strings, picks and a weeping demon.
whats that?
a wah pedal.
waht does it do?(pun intended)
makes the guitar go wah.
whats coming up?
the string ensemble concert. 11th aug. day before my bday. i probably wont know the song theyre playing. but it sounds nice. i'm sure it will.
anything else?
guitar concert. RAGE XI. its good. i'm playing. $8 RJC performing arts centre. 25th aug friday evening.
is that all i have to say for this post?
why am i doing this?
i feel bored. this format is interesting. easy to absorb, comprehend and what not.
so what am i going to do after this?
dunno. probably youtube
What happened to me?
went for RG drama.
how was it?
nice. ok. funny.
was it good?
i would guess. the actors quite emo. good thing. and can act all soppy. dunno if thats the right adjective.
what else did i do?
anima e corpo. performed. i think we wowed the audience. ya. tha most spectacular.
should you have gone?
YES! and it was charity.
and what else?
got this small performance for youth day which was screwed.
we got a band together at 12 the night before. and then the amps were screwed up. not really lah. just too soft.
why so last minute?
cos some people pulled out. and then pulled back in again.
am i angry?
not really. just a bit pissed. more at the gig than the people who caused it.
so am i busy?
yes. still got to finish my big malay hw. its crazy i tell you. and went for swee lee sale.
was the queue long?
rhetoric qn.
how long did i wait for?
i started queueing at 1040. and left at almost 2.
what did i get?
short cable, strings, picks and a weeping demon.
whats that?
a wah pedal.
waht does it do?(pun intended)
makes the guitar go wah.
whats coming up?
the string ensemble concert. 11th aug. day before my bday. i probably wont know the song theyre playing. but it sounds nice. i'm sure it will.
anything else?
guitar concert. RAGE XI. its good. i'm playing. $8 RJC performing arts centre. 25th aug friday evening.
is that all i have to say for this post?
why am i doing this?
i feel bored. this format is interesting. easy to absorb, comprehend and what not.
so what am i going to do after this?
dunno. probably youtube
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I actually wrote loads of stuff. but then something hppened when i tried to post. so i'm not going to bother doing it again. the gist of it, my blogs NOT DEAD!!! and i'm going to blog more often now that hols are over. nothing else to do.
Monday, May 15, 2006
after a hiatus
you know, i've always wanted to have a hiatus. so cool. haha. after CTs i had time to blog. but i wasted it all away on Playstation 2. that devilish black box. very nice indeed... now i'm blogging cos my mum took away the controllers and is acting very upset... so i'm here. i want to watch monk later. haha. not shaolin monk. adrian monk. that OCD detective. now i need to plan how i'm to spend my money. get a drum set, get a ps3, get both, or save. the last option is not really spending, but i like to think of it as spending on the bank.
i want to watch the da vinci code.... really interesting. blasphemeous but i don't care. personally, i would go and read salman rushdie's satanic verses if i could get my hands on it. but now the da vinci code is NC-16. i think the only reason why the government does not ban it is because the pope would probably not issue a death warrant on dan brown, making it the duty of every christian to kill him. and the vatican does not really have any nuclear missiles or weapons of mass destruction.
so now i'm stuck with probably only one movie to watch. X-men 3. i'm not complaining that theres x -men. i'm complaining that there is ONLY x-men. sad. can't they go by year? like this year you turn 16. and you can do 16 year old stuff. that would be much easier. and i was wondering... why isn't x-men nc-16 too? it deals with prejudice and other issues like that. a bit like crash, which is R21. i want to create a movie called "PG" and make it R21. then another is "R21" but is rated PG...
and music. some have the label parental advisory explicit lyrics. so, are the parents supposed to advise the kids? "boy, i advise you to use this word. its a real bad word, but i like it" they said advisory, but not how to advise. and probably parents wont advise anyway. and some kids don't listen to parents advice. another thing, what is considered explicit? i think theres a one night stand song thing, but that's not explicit. its much worse to have a kid following the song one night stand than to have a kid who keeps on spewing the four letter word. and i don't see the label on a maroon 5 cd, even though their song had the f-word in it. and it says explicit. we are supposed to be explicit in our essay conclusions. i think they should change it to explicitly vulgar, or something to indicate its vulgar, or people may get the wrong idea.
i want to watch the da vinci code.... really interesting. blasphemeous but i don't care. personally, i would go and read salman rushdie's satanic verses if i could get my hands on it. but now the da vinci code is NC-16. i think the only reason why the government does not ban it is because the pope would probably not issue a death warrant on dan brown, making it the duty of every christian to kill him. and the vatican does not really have any nuclear missiles or weapons of mass destruction.
so now i'm stuck with probably only one movie to watch. X-men 3. i'm not complaining that theres x -men. i'm complaining that there is ONLY x-men. sad. can't they go by year? like this year you turn 16. and you can do 16 year old stuff. that would be much easier. and i was wondering... why isn't x-men nc-16 too? it deals with prejudice and other issues like that. a bit like crash, which is R21. i want to create a movie called "PG" and make it R21. then another is "R21" but is rated PG...
and music. some have the label parental advisory explicit lyrics. so, are the parents supposed to advise the kids? "boy, i advise you to use this word. its a real bad word, but i like it" they said advisory, but not how to advise. and probably parents wont advise anyway. and some kids don't listen to parents advice. another thing, what is considered explicit? i think theres a one night stand song thing, but that's not explicit. its much worse to have a kid following the song one night stand than to have a kid who keeps on spewing the four letter word. and i don't see the label on a maroon 5 cd, even though their song had the f-word in it. and it says explicit. we are supposed to be explicit in our essay conclusions. i think they should change it to explicitly vulgar, or something to indicate its vulgar, or people may get the wrong idea.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
i managed to mug bio. somehow, i had overlooked it before today. but today i remembered. and i mugged. yay me! and then mugged physics sommore. i must say i'm improving... haha. i got one more day of mugging ahead. go mugging! i wonder why mug? not cups? and did the people know that mugging also has the negative connotation? well those who came up with gay had a similar problem.
BTW (i tried to say...) if you got something to complain about, please do tell me what about. cos i don't understand these stuff most of the time. and sorry if i insult you. i really apologise. cos i like to think of myself as a nice guy. so i make it an effort to apologise. i probably won't buy you a gift, but i am sure sincere. unless its an exception. then i'll tell you i'm not sorry.
I just got new queen scores for piano. nice!!! i like that guy who arranged them. cos the ones you get from books or stuff are quite crappy. btw this guy also transcribed the bhemian rhapsody score i used. haha.
I can't think of anything else to say. happy mugging everyone!
BTW (i tried to say...) if you got something to complain about, please do tell me what about. cos i don't understand these stuff most of the time. and sorry if i insult you. i really apologise. cos i like to think of myself as a nice guy. so i make it an effort to apologise. i probably won't buy you a gift, but i am sure sincere. unless its an exception. then i'll tell you i'm not sorry.
I just got new queen scores for piano. nice!!! i like that guy who arranged them. cos the ones you get from books or stuff are quite crappy. btw this guy also transcribed the bhemian rhapsody score i used. haha.
I can't think of anything else to say. happy mugging everyone!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
back again. i've sudenly had the urge to mug recently. so i did. not intensive mugging, but mugging nonetheless. but somehow i need people to help me mug properly. i need a study group......... desperately......... I'm more desperate than a desperate housewife...... i don't see really how desperate tey are, except for the title..... but that's besides the point. so anyone out there who does the same syllabus as me or something, contact me....
The only reason i'm blogging right now is that my mum and dad aren't home. and i got some time to kill. let me do a quick recap on the weeks events i haven't blogged about.
Angklung concert was nice. thy said it sucked. well, if they said so, i believe them to a certain extent. why? cos i'm no expert. it sounds nice to me anyway.and then i don't believe them cos i know what its like performing. and i think it was horrible, screwy and stuff, while people are congratulating you. but i must say one thing, your dynamics owned the RIGE... the angklung still amazes me. you got to teach how peopel do it. coordination and vibrating wrists or something...
before angklung was bahas. RG team won! well, good job. congrats to you people. frankly, i thought SJI was better in terms of speech, but i also knew they sucked in content.(no offence) but not really sucked. just lacking. and the parliament system goes by votes. so a majority is needed. and then you contradict yourself also, as someone kindly pointed out. then Berita Minggu was like.... inaccurate as usual. hmmm. said that RG lost to SJI in the finals 2 years before. crap. last year they lost, to SJI. but before that it was RI!!!!!!!!!!! . crap.
then we had combined practice that friday. um. guitar is really insignificant. and we were owned. by skill and loudness. i mean. we 6 playing are pro. most of us. and the others still can make it. but then RIGE is so. plae compared to everyone else. even CO.
then wed after concerts, we had learning journeys. went to tuas naval base. nice. went on a ship. nice. had refreshments, not bad. what i learnt? some interesting stuff. not a whole load, but still interesting.
then thusrday was malay mid-year. haha
karangan surat kiriman was ok enough. then the second one i got mental block. so i think i'll die. and then the second paper, i completed within one hour. everything except that 6 mark compre question. so i felt bored. and tired. so i slept. then20 min later, Malani d'cruz woke me up. asked if i had finished and said that i had 20 min left. so i got up and finished the question. then i slept a little more. and according to muhammad, i was snoring... then everyone siad i was damn king and all. haha. right.
then yesterday had this inaugural ambassador's series thing. in the afternoon. went to RJ lt1. then the high commisionner of india, his excellency mr. alok prasad came and gave some talk. haha. then went to parkway to try to fix my ngage. thinking of getting a motorolla V3. but then its more ex. and i still like my ngage a bit. i like pink V3.... nice... but blue is ok. then i had a coffee bean sunrise. and had burger king. then go home and mug a bit more.
i just feel real scared, cos exams.... i mean common tests are next week. nd i'm going to die if i don't mug. and i need people to explain stuff and mug with me... please....
The only reason i'm blogging right now is that my mum and dad aren't home. and i got some time to kill. let me do a quick recap on the weeks events i haven't blogged about.
Angklung concert was nice. thy said it sucked. well, if they said so, i believe them to a certain extent. why? cos i'm no expert. it sounds nice to me anyway.and then i don't believe them cos i know what its like performing. and i think it was horrible, screwy and stuff, while people are congratulating you. but i must say one thing, your dynamics owned the RIGE... the angklung still amazes me. you got to teach how peopel do it. coordination and vibrating wrists or something...
before angklung was bahas. RG team won! well, good job. congrats to you people. frankly, i thought SJI was better in terms of speech, but i also knew they sucked in content.(no offence) but not really sucked. just lacking. and the parliament system goes by votes. so a majority is needed. and then you contradict yourself also, as someone kindly pointed out. then Berita Minggu was like.... inaccurate as usual. hmmm. said that RG lost to SJI in the finals 2 years before. crap. last year they lost, to SJI. but before that it was RI!!!!!!!!!!! . crap.
then we had combined practice that friday. um. guitar is really insignificant. and we were owned. by skill and loudness. i mean. we 6 playing are pro. most of us. and the others still can make it. but then RIGE is so. plae compared to everyone else. even CO.
then wed after concerts, we had learning journeys. went to tuas naval base. nice. went on a ship. nice. had refreshments, not bad. what i learnt? some interesting stuff. not a whole load, but still interesting.
then thusrday was malay mid-year. haha
karangan surat kiriman was ok enough. then the second one i got mental block. so i think i'll die. and then the second paper, i completed within one hour. everything except that 6 mark compre question. so i felt bored. and tired. so i slept. then20 min later, Malani d'cruz woke me up. asked if i had finished and said that i had 20 min left. so i got up and finished the question. then i slept a little more. and according to muhammad, i was snoring... then everyone siad i was damn king and all. haha. right.
then yesterday had this inaugural ambassador's series thing. in the afternoon. went to RJ lt1. then the high commisionner of india, his excellency mr. alok prasad came and gave some talk. haha. then went to parkway to try to fix my ngage. thinking of getting a motorolla V3. but then its more ex. and i still like my ngage a bit. i like pink V3.... nice... but blue is ok. then i had a coffee bean sunrise. and had burger king. then go home and mug a bit more.
i just feel real scared, cos exams.... i mean common tests are next week. nd i'm going to die if i don't mug. and i need people to explain stuff and mug with me... please....
Sunday, April 16, 2006
A change in taste
Well, for this years concert, i was thinking of something purplish and with very deep meaning. Deep purple lah... but then, i was listening to steve vai again. and the audience is listening just popped into my head. again. and now i want to play it. again. and this time i can play it better. i figured out the fast tapping part near the start. and can play it! now i need to borrow someone's wah pedal, cos mine isn't good enough. why this song instead of the other one? do something different. showstopping. that's the idea. impress with great skill and showmanship. this song can be really showy. compared to the purplish tinge of the other song. and its more upbeat. and not so rocky. quite jazzy. especially the intro riff. nice stuff. and its not just picking, but plucking too. see? different... and also the solos nd riffs are different. nice different. unique. a normal rock solo won't do in a steve vai song. its got to be complex. and killer. with the deep purple, its not that straightforward either, but compared to steve's licks, i laugh at how it sort of pales in comparison... one more reason. actually 2 or 3. i got a steve vai signature, so why not play his song? very fitting. it would just be weird if i had a strat and i was playing a steve vai song... also, linky will get a bass solo. go watch G3 live in tokyo. haha. not as radical as that, but just as nice. and then, watch the music video for the song. as in the one with the small kid. haha. nice. last reason i can think of. at least now...
Yesterday, i went to tampines mall. and of course stopped by yamaha. i was oogling at the pedals. jimi hendrix wah, crybaby... and then my mom had this idea of getting me drumsticks. not the chicken one. the real drumsticks. used for drums. drum sticks. so, i just went along. its kinda cool. and i can use it to conduct guitar practice... so i got my drumsticks. drum sticks. now all i need are drums, or a drum pad thingamajig...
and my dad is finally letting me use the iPOD. i know, not a big deal. old fashioned. yes, while people around are dancing in tune with their ipod nanos, i have an ipod 3g. yes. why am i excited? i can finally cram all my dream theater songs in one place. 15Gb!!!!! beats my shuffle, only 512MB. and why he lets me use it? cos we got the skin. some screen protector. ya. oh, and if you didn't know, dream theater songs on average last around 8-10 mins. and they got 11 albums. choc full of songs.
This weeked i feel very helpful. why? i've helped loads of people. especially in maths. and i also helped a bit with malay. a teeny yiny bit. surprising cos malay isn't my forte. more like pianissimo. can't remember if i spelt that right. so i'll use symbols. pp first, i help 3 girls who failed maths test and have to take re-test. then, i teach my cousin, who's in madrasah, taking o levels this year and is way behind, cos the school lag a bit in maths. so there. helpful me. and i translated a word from english to malay.
I still haven't worn my pink panther boxers. haha. i'll probably wear it on saturday. and speaking of boxers, the other night, i was walking to the carpark with my mom and dad. then at the void deck of one of the blocks, there was this guy. wearing only boxers. licking an ice-cream. haha. weird. and he was going about like nobody's business, reading the notice board at the lifts. i bet those boxers were knocking each other out...
and to everyone who wants me to add your blog to my links, you got to do the same. add this blog to your links. its not fair if you don't. and i'll also need your blog addresses. i'm not psychic. or maybe i am, but i don't want to tell you... reverse-reverse-reverse psychology? or even that could be reverse psychology... BAM, i'm reading your mind... you're thinking i'm weird, and crazy... SNAP, wrong mind, read my own... but probably it doesn't take a psychic to read one's own mind...
Yesterday, i went to tampines mall. and of course stopped by yamaha. i was oogling at the pedals. jimi hendrix wah, crybaby... and then my mom had this idea of getting me drumsticks. not the chicken one. the real drumsticks. used for drums. drum sticks. so, i just went along. its kinda cool. and i can use it to conduct guitar practice... so i got my drumsticks. drum sticks. now all i need are drums, or a drum pad thingamajig...
and my dad is finally letting me use the iPOD. i know, not a big deal. old fashioned. yes, while people around are dancing in tune with their ipod nanos, i have an ipod 3g. yes. why am i excited? i can finally cram all my dream theater songs in one place. 15Gb!!!!! beats my shuffle, only 512MB. and why he lets me use it? cos we got the skin. some screen protector. ya. oh, and if you didn't know, dream theater songs on average last around 8-10 mins. and they got 11 albums. choc full of songs.
This weeked i feel very helpful. why? i've helped loads of people. especially in maths. and i also helped a bit with malay. a teeny yiny bit. surprising cos malay isn't my forte. more like pianissimo. can't remember if i spelt that right. so i'll use symbols. pp first, i help 3 girls who failed maths test and have to take re-test. then, i teach my cousin, who's in madrasah, taking o levels this year and is way behind, cos the school lag a bit in maths. so there. helpful me. and i translated a word from english to malay.
I still haven't worn my pink panther boxers. haha. i'll probably wear it on saturday. and speaking of boxers, the other night, i was walking to the carpark with my mom and dad. then at the void deck of one of the blocks, there was this guy. wearing only boxers. licking an ice-cream. haha. weird. and he was going about like nobody's business, reading the notice board at the lifts. i bet those boxers were knocking each other out...
and to everyone who wants me to add your blog to my links, you got to do the same. add this blog to your links. its not fair if you don't. and i'll also need your blog addresses. i'm not psychic. or maybe i am, but i don't want to tell you... reverse-reverse-reverse psychology? or even that could be reverse psychology... BAM, i'm reading your mind... you're thinking i'm weird, and crazy... SNAP, wrong mind, read my own... but probably it doesn't take a psychic to read one's own mind...
Monday, April 10, 2006
Its not much of a title. but i can't think of a good one. and if i don't put a title, the list of posts would state the whole of my sentence... anyway, today in school was an emotional roller coaster ride. First, in the morning i was so sleepy. somehow, Mr. Fong was being nice, and did not pick on me again. haha. not really pick on me. but more particular about me than others. haha. maybe he thinks i'm special...haha. lets just keep it to picking on me. then during bio we got some nice thick notes from the univertity of reading. ironic, cos the first page, there was a picture of the petronas twin towers and it had the caption "Petronas twin towers, kuala lumper". no, i did not make a typo. that's what it said. then, a few pages after that, there was this huge box with a small "x" at the top left hand corner. haha... must have been the haze...
so then after recess, the bad part. Ms. Kuang came into class, and left Wee Hsuan to set up the console, cos she had to do some stuff. then Jun Ren went up to go and "try out" some passwords for Mr. Fongs account. lame passwords. like 4Q ROX and other stuff. then ms. kuang returned and whe was sooooooo angry. then she gave us a lecture forthe whole period. i kind of felt sad and sorry. it was bad cos we got scolded. it was good cos we learnt a lesson. i really felt like crying when she said something about teachers having feelings, and that they continue to teach even after all the "abuse" they've been through... so everyone out there. respect your teachers. cos they are really something special. or at least most teachers.
then, for RE, mr. yuen was hinting to us that our project wasn't substantial and stuff, and suggested we change project. then after we thought about it, we discussed sommore with him. then he say actually why we change whe our project can do? haha. then we stick to the project. but after a short while we came to a dead end. then want to change subject again. but then he say actually can. then we discuss some more. its confusing, but the main thing is we stuck to the topic after a few indecisive moments. haha.
then for guitar, ms goh came and watched us. told us we sucked(not really lah, just pestering us to practice hard) and we need to be really pro cos we are opening the concert. haha. then somehow, the other peopledon't get the idea of dynamics really quick. and we spend loads of time on it...
then hyqel and other J1s came to sell tickets. haha. then we jam a little. and stuff. and then say goodbye. haha.
on saturday. ORA thing. only a 1.6 km walk... walk... then the fun fair was nice. although i didn't get to go into the haunted house. cos the queue was too darn long. and i wanted to catch bahas. also, well done to the bahas team from RG for pwnzing the opposition. in both ways. haha. dunno why that girl got best speaker though... Good luck against SJI though, they're tough. they slaughtered SJI. maybe partly cos VS wasn't very good. this time RG got chance lah. the topic helps you. so pls don't screw up. and if you lose 3 times in a row to SJI, you might want to consider not joining bahas at all. like us...
so then after recess, the bad part. Ms. Kuang came into class, and left Wee Hsuan to set up the console, cos she had to do some stuff. then Jun Ren went up to go and "try out" some passwords for Mr. Fongs account. lame passwords. like 4Q ROX and other stuff. then ms. kuang returned and whe was sooooooo angry. then she gave us a lecture forthe whole period. i kind of felt sad and sorry. it was bad cos we got scolded. it was good cos we learnt a lesson. i really felt like crying when she said something about teachers having feelings, and that they continue to teach even after all the "abuse" they've been through... so everyone out there. respect your teachers. cos they are really something special. or at least most teachers.
then, for RE, mr. yuen was hinting to us that our project wasn't substantial and stuff, and suggested we change project. then after we thought about it, we discussed sommore with him. then he say actually why we change whe our project can do? haha. then we stick to the project. but after a short while we came to a dead end. then want to change subject again. but then he say actually can. then we discuss some more. its confusing, but the main thing is we stuck to the topic after a few indecisive moments. haha.
then for guitar, ms goh came and watched us. told us we sucked(not really lah, just pestering us to practice hard) and we need to be really pro cos we are opening the concert. haha. then somehow, the other peopledon't get the idea of dynamics really quick. and we spend loads of time on it...
then hyqel and other J1s came to sell tickets. haha. then we jam a little. and stuff. and then say goodbye. haha.
on saturday. ORA thing. only a 1.6 km walk... walk... then the fun fair was nice. although i didn't get to go into the haunted house. cos the queue was too darn long. and i wanted to catch bahas. also, well done to the bahas team from RG for pwnzing the opposition. in both ways. haha. dunno why that girl got best speaker though... Good luck against SJI though, they're tough. they slaughtered SJI. maybe partly cos VS wasn't very good. this time RG got chance lah. the topic helps you. so pls don't screw up. and if you lose 3 times in a row to SJI, you might want to consider not joining bahas at all. like us...
Friday, April 07, 2006
today got the dialog competition which our mcc was organising. this is how it goes:
two people are given a topic, and they have to make a dialogue on that topic. amongst themselves, but engaging the audience. simple?
well, some of them went totally out of point. for example, something about young peopel not eating traditional food became something about junk food. and other stuff. haha.
then another thing, some of my fan came down to watch. haha.
during the decision break, when the judges were deciding who would win, taufiq was told to occupy some time. so he called me down. unexpectedly. and so went down. and some people cheered loudly. yay! then i couldn't tell purple passion. a)it was too long b)i didn't want/know how to translate into malay. so i tell the 3 robbers joke. haha. but i couldn't do any better cos it was so unexpected. thanks to cikgu probably.
Anyway, the first half was boring. Fawaz was a bit stone, but then got no Taufiq so i guess he was scared to crack jokes. but after taufiq came back from his chinese drama stint, they were blazing. they were wearing blazers... but they rocked. really funny. i felt like joining them down there and adding more lame stuff. good job guys!
so tomorrow got ORA jogathon. and i need slightly longer pants. i look awful in pants that are too short. so got an announcement today on the atire for tomorrow. must wear ORA t-shirt(which for me is L, but i'm an M probably, cos i switched with someone else) and pe shorts, which are too short. at least most. my newer ones are slightly longer, but quite short too, so i got to pull them down lower...
and bahas semis tomorrow. still need to figure out what to do before that and after guitar lesson... maybe crescent girls fun fair. hope its fair, and that i get rice...
two people are given a topic, and they have to make a dialogue on that topic. amongst themselves, but engaging the audience. simple?
well, some of them went totally out of point. for example, something about young peopel not eating traditional food became something about junk food. and other stuff. haha.
then another thing, some of my fan came down to watch. haha.
during the decision break, when the judges were deciding who would win, taufiq was told to occupy some time. so he called me down. unexpectedly. and so went down. and some people cheered loudly. yay! then i couldn't tell purple passion. a)it was too long b)i didn't want/know how to translate into malay. so i tell the 3 robbers joke. haha. but i couldn't do any better cos it was so unexpected. thanks to cikgu probably.
Anyway, the first half was boring. Fawaz was a bit stone, but then got no Taufiq so i guess he was scared to crack jokes. but after taufiq came back from his chinese drama stint, they were blazing. they were wearing blazers... but they rocked. really funny. i felt like joining them down there and adding more lame stuff. good job guys!
so tomorrow got ORA jogathon. and i need slightly longer pants. i look awful in pants that are too short. so got an announcement today on the atire for tomorrow. must wear ORA t-shirt(which for me is L, but i'm an M probably, cos i switched with someone else) and pe shorts, which are too short. at least most. my newer ones are slightly longer, but quite short too, so i got to pull them down lower...
and bahas semis tomorrow. still need to figure out what to do before that and after guitar lesson... maybe crescent girls fun fair. hope its fair, and that i get rice...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
In my last post, i may have made hasty conclusions. sorry for that. i truly am. but still, please like consider us. and how we got no time to practice. and now it leaves me pissed at whoever caused this. why? this stuff needs practice.
like today. dk was a disaster. awok was off time(more like speeding up to super fast speed until its damn hard for me and taufiq to keep up) and juara(lead singer:adly) screwed up. we're frens, but let me get this straight. i told you before and i'm telling you again. you don't sing very well. not saying that i do, but i think i do sing better than you. yes. and taufiq sings better than you. and stop trying to ignore me. everytime you somehow push the fact that i can be juara away, and assume theres noone else. i mean, a lot of guys like the awok are tone-deaf(sorry for the bluntness, but i'm getting worked up) and you're slightly better than the average guy. but that's not saying much. the average guy doesn't sing well. and you are a bit better. put 2 and 2 together. and you're like damn insulted if someone goes up to you and says you aren't that good. like hanif tried to tell you. but then you attacked him instead, asking him if he could do better. the last time i checked, that was a fallacy. poisoning the well. yes. i remember...
anyway, he made a good point, and you should have listened. i mean, quite a few of the mats think i'm better than you. so don't be bodoh sombong(i'm being very kind to those people who don't understand malay. bodoh sombong is literally translated into stupid proud. its a proverb, which means that the person is wrong or lousy but doesn't want to admit it. i think.). that's all for dk. at least for now.
like today. dk was a disaster. awok was off time(more like speeding up to super fast speed until its damn hard for me and taufiq to keep up) and juara(lead singer:adly) screwed up. we're frens, but let me get this straight. i told you before and i'm telling you again. you don't sing very well. not saying that i do, but i think i do sing better than you. yes. and taufiq sings better than you. and stop trying to ignore me. everytime you somehow push the fact that i can be juara away, and assume theres noone else. i mean, a lot of guys like the awok are tone-deaf(sorry for the bluntness, but i'm getting worked up) and you're slightly better than the average guy. but that's not saying much. the average guy doesn't sing well. and you are a bit better. put 2 and 2 together. and you're like damn insulted if someone goes up to you and says you aren't that good. like hanif tried to tell you. but then you attacked him instead, asking him if he could do better. the last time i checked, that was a fallacy. poisoning the well. yes. i remember...
anyway, he made a good point, and you should have listened. i mean, quite a few of the mats think i'm better than you. so don't be bodoh sombong(i'm being very kind to those people who don't understand malay. bodoh sombong is literally translated into stupid proud. its a proverb, which means that the person is wrong or lousy but doesn't want to admit it. i think.). that's all for dk. at least for now.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
International friendship day
after that 2nd place in the sajak competition(poetry dramatization), my cousin sort of redeemed himself. i do give him credit. well done. but today, i get really pissed off again and take that back. here's why.
yesterday afternoon at 4, i recieved an sms that we had dikir today. for those who don't know, dikir, or dk for short, is that malay clap hand action thingy with some singing and percussion. and so i find out that tomorrow we're performing for assembly period, in conjunction with the friendship thingy. ok. fine. so today i find out that they were supposed to do the sajak thingy. but then my dear cousin didn't want to at the last minute. and we had to do dk. ya. 2 hours of practice. and we still very unpolished and all that. yes. and performance tomorrow. i think we all gg already. and so i'm pissed. yes, pissed. this means that i have gone to the toilet extra times today. yes. really...
so there. basically what happened today. and why i'm in a bad mood. or a bit of a bad mood. but i can switch moods. yes. haha. i'm happy now.
I'm still stuck on smells like rafflesian spirit, but i'm bazing through fumes on the water. its the deep purple song, smoke on the water. the chorus is " fumes on the water, mosquitoes in the sky, eggs under water..."
ya, i like parodies. but i can never come up with serious stuff. haha.
yesterday afternoon at 4, i recieved an sms that we had dikir today. for those who don't know, dikir, or dk for short, is that malay clap hand action thingy with some singing and percussion. and so i find out that tomorrow we're performing for assembly period, in conjunction with the friendship thingy. ok. fine. so today i find out that they were supposed to do the sajak thingy. but then my dear cousin didn't want to at the last minute. and we had to do dk. ya. 2 hours of practice. and we still very unpolished and all that. yes. and performance tomorrow. i think we all gg already. and so i'm pissed. yes, pissed. this means that i have gone to the toilet extra times today. yes. really...
so there. basically what happened today. and why i'm in a bad mood. or a bit of a bad mood. but i can switch moods. yes. haha. i'm happy now.
I'm still stuck on smells like rafflesian spirit, but i'm bazing through fumes on the water. its the deep purple song, smoke on the water. the chorus is " fumes on the water, mosquitoes in the sky, eggs under water..."
ya, i like parodies. but i can never come up with serious stuff. haha.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
the Ari Budiman Society
today, i mad a revelation. haha. not really. but a discovery. a discovery that i have a fan club. haha. you may think i'm joking. but no, i am not. yes. to my surprise, there is the group known as the Ari Budiman Society; because Ari is the BOMB. ya. serious. i am deeply flattered, and a bit creeped out, but only a bit. i'm quite sure it will wear off. and don't let this dampen your hopes. so now, i got some "groupies", so i'm well on my way to becoming a rockstar (don't worry, these groupies don't do those type of things normal groupies do)
oh yes. i was thinking of renaming the band from lactose intolerant to milk. yes, milk. still haven't discussed with the band yet. LI is a bit muggerish. maybe a good album name. then after that album, BSE.
and taufiq, stop calling me a casanova. and the movie was casablanca. so is the place. and the chicken stall is called cavana. there. and supernova is sort of astronomy.
oh yes. i was thinking of renaming the band from lactose intolerant to milk. yes, milk. still haven't discussed with the band yet. LI is a bit muggerish. maybe a good album name. then after that album, BSE.
and taufiq, stop calling me a casanova. and the movie was casablanca. so is the place. and the chicken stall is called cavana. there. and supernova is sort of astronomy.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
yes, linky. nice... a bit the bored or very curious...
today got sajak. we got 2nd. ya. st.andrews got 1st. 3rd time in a row. ya. i thought we were the best. haha. really. st. andrews was very good. but to me it had not much artistic value. however it is a creatif thing. but ours was creatif. but not "entertaining". it was too heavy. and unnatural. sad lah. and i think we were the only school(apart from bedok south, which was absolute crap) who didn't use some funny symbolism of the senses.
on a side note, RG won the malay debates quarter finals match against kranji. congrats to them. but then they weren't spectacular. i'm afraid they won't make it to the finals. and from the performance we saw just now, RI could actually stand a chance of winning. or at least finals. cos we got a heck lot of good debaters. i mean, if the standard was like that, even i could debate. i'm not that good, but i can do it if i prepare a lot. ok. let me put it this way. even sports school took part and got to quarter finals. then got kicked out. nonetheless(is that how to spell?) it demonstrates that we wouldn't shame RI in any way by taking part. hmmm. taufiq got an idea to hold a "raffles cup" RI vs RG. then can have a lot of fun. and we can have the title "cows are better than chickens" or "Macdonalds is better than Burger King". fun stuff like that. ya.
today got sajak. we got 2nd. ya. st.andrews got 1st. 3rd time in a row. ya. i thought we were the best. haha. really. st. andrews was very good. but to me it had not much artistic value. however it is a creatif thing. but ours was creatif. but not "entertaining". it was too heavy. and unnatural. sad lah. and i think we were the only school(apart from bedok south, which was absolute crap) who didn't use some funny symbolism of the senses.
on a side note, RG won the malay debates quarter finals match against kranji. congrats to them. but then they weren't spectacular. i'm afraid they won't make it to the finals. and from the performance we saw just now, RI could actually stand a chance of winning. or at least finals. cos we got a heck lot of good debaters. i mean, if the standard was like that, even i could debate. i'm not that good, but i can do it if i prepare a lot. ok. let me put it this way. even sports school took part and got to quarter finals. then got kicked out. nonetheless(is that how to spell?) it demonstrates that we wouldn't shame RI in any way by taking part. hmmm. taufiq got an idea to hold a "raffles cup" RI vs RG. then can have a lot of fun. and we can have the title "cows are better than chickens" or "Macdonalds is better than Burger King". fun stuff like that. ya.
Friday, March 31, 2006

As a result I tend to doze off in geog.
But today is a special day.
How special?
Very special.
Why special, you ask?
I made good use of a geog lesson :)
Doing what? Geog?
Of course not. I did some theorycrafting that proves that armour does indeed have diminishing returns on both damage reduction and how much longer you stay alive (this would apply to a few game scenarios, like dota, WoW and basically anything that has diminishing returns on armour)
the diff. between girls and guys
I have been thinking. and i have come up with this conclusion. girls have a different sense of humour. i dunno about sexual jokes, cos i think its a bit rude to tell these jokes(especially the worse ones) in front or to girls. but i know about lame jokes.
for example, i tell purple passion to a guy. he's annoyed. but then laughs. or sort of laughs. i tell the same joke to a girl. then she's annoyed and then goes kind of hyper, then expresses how annoyed she is, then rants on about wasting her time over and over again, then kind of "hates" me for life. you can clearly se a difference. i think guys appreciate lame jokes like this more than girls. i am not being sexist.
I have come up with a theory. girls and guys brains are different. guys are more "logical" while girls sort of excel in communication. most lame jokes deal with lateral thinking. yes, lateral thinking. they are kind of smart. they do make sense. very common sense. but still is funny, cos you often don't think of the answer even if it is really obvious. however, the common sense is actually very uncommon nowadays. and obvious answers are always overlooked. and the mind thinks up complicated stuff. so, these lateral thinking puzzles are more "logical" so to speak, and thus, the guy's mind will be able to appreciate it more. they can see the humour in the joke. how they were misled into thinking about something else. on the other hand, girls will not really appreciate this and think its utter crap. and taking time off for crap is a waste of time. therefore the violent reactions.
i base my theory on fair scientific evidence. maybe not evidence. but proof. but they're both the same thing. so i'll put them in inverted commas. this is based on experience(field studies) and scientific "proof". feel free to give your comments.
please note that i do not have any malicious intent in writing this post, and that i'm not being sexist. i'm merely stating my observations and trying to come up with an explanation for these occurrences. in an objective(as far as possible) manner. i am not slandering all you gals out there. please do not hate me for this or anything. this should be subject to open dialogue. as i said earlier, feel free to give comments. no flaming. and no vulgarities. thank you
for example, i tell purple passion to a guy. he's annoyed. but then laughs. or sort of laughs. i tell the same joke to a girl. then she's annoyed and then goes kind of hyper, then expresses how annoyed she is, then rants on about wasting her time over and over again, then kind of "hates" me for life. you can clearly se a difference. i think guys appreciate lame jokes like this more than girls. i am not being sexist.
I have come up with a theory. girls and guys brains are different. guys are more "logical" while girls sort of excel in communication. most lame jokes deal with lateral thinking. yes, lateral thinking. they are kind of smart. they do make sense. very common sense. but still is funny, cos you often don't think of the answer even if it is really obvious. however, the common sense is actually very uncommon nowadays. and obvious answers are always overlooked. and the mind thinks up complicated stuff. so, these lateral thinking puzzles are more "logical" so to speak, and thus, the guy's mind will be able to appreciate it more. they can see the humour in the joke. how they were misled into thinking about something else. on the other hand, girls will not really appreciate this and think its utter crap. and taking time off for crap is a waste of time. therefore the violent reactions.
i base my theory on fair scientific evidence. maybe not evidence. but proof. but they're both the same thing. so i'll put them in inverted commas. this is based on experience(field studies) and scientific "proof". feel free to give your comments.
please note that i do not have any malicious intent in writing this post, and that i'm not being sexist. i'm merely stating my observations and trying to come up with an explanation for these occurrences. in an objective(as far as possible) manner. i am not slandering all you gals out there. please do not hate me for this or anything. this should be subject to open dialogue. as i said earlier, feel free to give comments. no flaming. and no vulgarities. thank you
Thursday, March 30, 2006
haha hearing "george bush" is really funny. Note to NSA, i am not saying anything bad about the "commander-in-chief" nor am i mocking america. And no, i am not a terrorist. or an extremist. and i wouldn't want to commit suicide. its crazy. I am NOT a suicide bomber. go to www.weeklyradioaddress.com. funny stuff. can even download the sound clips!
and now i dunno what to rant on about.
from what i hear, sajak is ok. and from other people, sajak is going badly. i would like to believe that it is going badly. well. my dear cousin has crossed the line by being such a hypocrite. yes. and acting like a bigshot. thats quite ironic actually. if you get my point, good. if not, i'm not going to explain. cikgu, you should have called me in to direct. or at least be in the thing. but then, on second thought, i wouldn't want to join. if i knew i would be working with HIM. but you should have taken a hint from our stuff in class. like you can't see i can act? or am i too lame for you to see that?
ok, maybe i should try to cut down on my lameness.
so my dear cousin, if you want to walk out, but stay because you are pressured to do so, go. no pressure. but then again, its on saturday. but when you said that there was some more time. we could have done without you. so. and don't give those guys any crap about commitment. they are evry ounce committed. ok, maybe not, but still they are very committed. and stop criticising them about commitment. cos you don't seem very committed yourself. got it? and be more accepting of ideas. you're not that smart. or all powerful. you're just some puny being, like most of us. you just can't boss people around. maybe persuade. but not boss. cos you're not the boss. who's the boss? no, its not tony danza, but neither are you.
suddenly i feel quite angry. so i'll just end this post.
and now i dunno what to rant on about.
from what i hear, sajak is ok. and from other people, sajak is going badly. i would like to believe that it is going badly. well. my dear cousin has crossed the line by being such a hypocrite. yes. and acting like a bigshot. thats quite ironic actually. if you get my point, good. if not, i'm not going to explain. cikgu, you should have called me in to direct. or at least be in the thing. but then, on second thought, i wouldn't want to join. if i knew i would be working with HIM. but you should have taken a hint from our stuff in class. like you can't see i can act? or am i too lame for you to see that?
ok, maybe i should try to cut down on my lameness.
so my dear cousin, if you want to walk out, but stay because you are pressured to do so, go. no pressure. but then again, its on saturday. but when you said that there was some more time. we could have done without you. so. and don't give those guys any crap about commitment. they are evry ounce committed. ok, maybe not, but still they are very committed. and stop criticising them about commitment. cos you don't seem very committed yourself. got it? and be more accepting of ideas. you're not that smart. or all powerful. you're just some puny being, like most of us. you just can't boss people around. maybe persuade. but not boss. cos you're not the boss. who's the boss? no, its not tony danza, but neither are you.
suddenly i feel quite angry. so i'll just end this post.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
brochure done. my mum bought me some nice green paper. unfortunately its huge. i mean huge. and secondly, its too hard. and thick. not too sure if my printer can handle it. so i told her i needed thinner paper. then she said she had quite a bit. haha. ok... so i'm using that. also finished maths.
Yesterday i finished it, but hen i asked mar(goh) when it was due, he said next week. so i didn't print out, cos mr. fong wouldn't accept stuff early anyway. then, in school, i realised that it was actually due today. ok... and mark went to ask mr. fong if can hand in by email. and then he complicated stuff by saying some stuff about wee hsuan and yixiang. which had the slightest connection, but not that relevant. so in the end mr. fong was a bit angry that he "conned" him. smoking. as in throw smoke grenade so smoke all around and cannot see, then he give extension. so now, we get to hand in late... mark, i know you got good intentions, you're a nice guy, but you sometimes do stuff like this.
just watched blackadder. really funny. BBC prime, Starhub tv channel 76. 10pm on wed. nice stuff. old, but nice. its actually not slapstick at all. maybe a little in some actions, but its mostly in the dialogue. rowan atkinson is one smart guy. too bad he kept on doing bean. bean the movie. but as far as i know, no Blackadder the movie. and mr. bean doesn't talk. so its a different kind of funny... like kung pow... both at the same time. haha. the dialogue is actually funny.
if i could scan in my drawing, i would. maybe next time. a drawing of a very ferocious monster. haha...
Yesterday i finished it, but hen i asked mar(goh) when it was due, he said next week. so i didn't print out, cos mr. fong wouldn't accept stuff early anyway. then, in school, i realised that it was actually due today. ok... and mark went to ask mr. fong if can hand in by email. and then he complicated stuff by saying some stuff about wee hsuan and yixiang. which had the slightest connection, but not that relevant. so in the end mr. fong was a bit angry that he "conned" him. smoking. as in throw smoke grenade so smoke all around and cannot see, then he give extension. so now, we get to hand in late... mark, i know you got good intentions, you're a nice guy, but you sometimes do stuff like this.
just watched blackadder. really funny. BBC prime, Starhub tv channel 76. 10pm on wed. nice stuff. old, but nice. its actually not slapstick at all. maybe a little in some actions, but its mostly in the dialogue. rowan atkinson is one smart guy. too bad he kept on doing bean. bean the movie. but as far as i know, no Blackadder the movie. and mr. bean doesn't talk. so its a different kind of funny... like kung pow... both at the same time. haha. the dialogue is actually funny.
if i could scan in my drawing, i would. maybe next time. a drawing of a very ferocious monster. haha...
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
although i finished my brochure, cikgu rejected it. yes. rejected it. why? because the font was too big and there wasn't enough content. And there really isn't much written about this guy(Prof. Ariff Bongso). as in his life. cos nobody really cares about a scientist's life. unless you are like soooo prominent and one of histories greatest people. then they care. they write whole biographies on you and study you even after you die. sad isn't it? so i put whatever content i had and then put some of his achievements. why some? cos he has a lot and i didn't have enough space. why? cos the brochure maker flash software doesn't allow you to change font size. its really rigid templates. but nice. so now i got to redo. i think i'll just take green paper and print words on it. then cut and paste. simple.
and i managed to complete ERP. and part of my maths project. i thought it was due tomorrow. but after i finished my part, i was so worried cos i didn't know how to stick all the parts together. then i found out that its due next week. ...
and now i want to take up some time to write about angklung. for those out there who have no idea what an angklung is, its a wooded instrument which is sort of hollowed out and then the hollow tube can vibrate. so you make a sound when you shake it. it only plays one note, but its quite nice. so. to have an angklung ensemble... i've always wondered how they manage to pull it off. even hand bells ensemble. back to angklung. nice sound. very interesting. go for angklung concert. 22nd april. RG angklung concert. i repeat again. or maybe not. you get my point.
seaking of concerts, I(and the guitar ensemble) will be performing at the esplanade on the 28th april, along with the other RI musical groups. got some nice stuff. although i never know what the string ensemble is playing. but its still nice. I'll say something about string ensemble later. but now. 28th april. esplanade. you get the picture.
now about string ensemble. i must say that SE is the best musical group in RI. i'm just stating the facts. why? because all of them have prior music knowledge, know how to play an instrument, play a string instrument, play in the SYO, get damn high grades in music, or more than one of the metioned reasons. for guitar, we need to spend some time teaching kids to read notes. and how to hold the guitar. and stuff like that. and same with the other ccas. so they are the best. then got pro people like Remus who add on to the proness of the SE. and guitar? got me. and maybe eugene. but i usually like to think its me. and linky of course. but then speed. we're fast. but me, i do better with distortion and thinner and softer strings. comparable i guess. probably can compare with Remus. but we haven't tried. maybe one day. i wouldn't mind losing. cos he's pro.
and when we have the best, we have the worst. RICO. the only cca to get a silver for syf. GE only got gold, but then noone else got gold. and the judges were biased. there was no way neither ACS nor us could not get GwH. must be lagging from string ensemble judging. you can't compare SEs and GEs just like that. both our schools were the only ones which didn't cheer when we got gold. or an award for that matter. other schools were like "hooray! we got bronze!" and we were "damn we got gold..." i think we actually owned them. really. they were playing real basic stuff. and by basic meaning our sec 1 or even 2 standard.
but enough about SYF. i really need to practice CS... someone lend me!!!
and i managed to complete ERP. and part of my maths project. i thought it was due tomorrow. but after i finished my part, i was so worried cos i didn't know how to stick all the parts together. then i found out that its due next week. ...
and now i want to take up some time to write about angklung. for those out there who have no idea what an angklung is, its a wooded instrument which is sort of hollowed out and then the hollow tube can vibrate. so you make a sound when you shake it. it only plays one note, but its quite nice. so. to have an angklung ensemble... i've always wondered how they manage to pull it off. even hand bells ensemble. back to angklung. nice sound. very interesting. go for angklung concert. 22nd april. RG angklung concert. i repeat again. or maybe not. you get my point.
seaking of concerts, I(and the guitar ensemble) will be performing at the esplanade on the 28th april, along with the other RI musical groups. got some nice stuff. although i never know what the string ensemble is playing. but its still nice. I'll say something about string ensemble later. but now. 28th april. esplanade. you get the picture.
now about string ensemble. i must say that SE is the best musical group in RI. i'm just stating the facts. why? because all of them have prior music knowledge, know how to play an instrument, play a string instrument, play in the SYO, get damn high grades in music, or more than one of the metioned reasons. for guitar, we need to spend some time teaching kids to read notes. and how to hold the guitar. and stuff like that. and same with the other ccas. so they are the best. then got pro people like Remus who add on to the proness of the SE. and guitar? got me. and maybe eugene. but i usually like to think its me. and linky of course. but then speed. we're fast. but me, i do better with distortion and thinner and softer strings. comparable i guess. probably can compare with Remus. but we haven't tried. maybe one day. i wouldn't mind losing. cos he's pro.
and when we have the best, we have the worst. RICO. the only cca to get a silver for syf. GE only got gold, but then noone else got gold. and the judges were biased. there was no way neither ACS nor us could not get GwH. must be lagging from string ensemble judging. you can't compare SEs and GEs just like that. both our schools were the only ones which didn't cheer when we got gold. or an award for that matter. other schools were like "hooray! we got bronze!" and we were "damn we got gold..." i think we actually owned them. really. they were playing real basic stuff. and by basic meaning our sec 1 or even 2 standard.
but enough about SYF. i really need to practice CS... someone lend me!!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Yay! completed my brochure for malay. however, printer cannot work properly. even though i just changed the black ink cartridge. and no, its not the colour cartridge which is the problem. or maybe it is... NO...
this somehow reminds me of switcheroo... not the normal one...
at swensen's the other day, taufiq linky and i were playing this twisted version of the age old game. took 2 cups, and one handphone. find the handphone. then we start switching. then we give you three tries. then we kept guessing. and then again with more variations in number, items and variety of items.
and please people, do not think i'm all lame... i'm quite lame. but i can be serious. does this look srious to you? probably not cos its just words. but i can be serious. but that wouldn't be so fun. and try to get some humour into your lives. ok, i must admit that i'm not exactly that humourous but then i try and i think its a positive attitude. but if you want true humour, look into the eye. or find something humerus in the arm...
hmmm i don't know what to say now. i forgot again...
this somehow reminds me of switcheroo... not the normal one...
at swensen's the other day, taufiq linky and i were playing this twisted version of the age old game. took 2 cups, and one handphone. find the handphone. then we start switching. then we give you three tries. then we kept guessing. and then again with more variations in number, items and variety of items.
and please people, do not think i'm all lame... i'm quite lame. but i can be serious. does this look srious to you? probably not cos its just words. but i can be serious. but that wouldn't be so fun. and try to get some humour into your lives. ok, i must admit that i'm not exactly that humourous but then i try and i think its a positive attitude. but if you want true humour, look into the eye. or find something humerus in the arm...
hmmm i don't know what to say now. i forgot again...
Sunday, March 26, 2006
It's interesting how ppl spend their Sundays.
First there're the really bored ppl. Like Ari. :) They stone while spending most of their time convincing themselves to do the work they should. Unfortunately I think this applies to me too :(
Then there're the DUN WORRY BE HAPPY kinda ppl. Just PLAAAAAAY cos it's SUNDAY the last day of the weekend. Then the next day they get yelled at by their teachers but WHO CARES :D
Then there're those ppl whom other ppl call "have no life" or "MUGGER". Yep they mug. and mug. and mug. then look at watch. "eh 9pm let's go eat dinner then sleep". Scary.
Last but not least, ppl who blog cos they have nothing else to do (or rather they have other things to do but they don't want to).
First there're the really bored ppl. Like Ari. :) They stone while spending most of their time convincing themselves to do the work they should. Unfortunately I think this applies to me too :(
Then there're the DUN WORRY BE HAPPY kinda ppl. Just PLAAAAAAY cos it's SUNDAY the last day of the weekend. Then the next day they get yelled at by their teachers but WHO CARES :D
Then there're those ppl whom other ppl call "have no life" or "MUGGER". Yep they mug. and mug. and mug. then look at watch. "eh 9pm let's go eat dinner then sleep". Scary.
Last but not least, ppl who blog cos they have nothing else to do (or rather they have other things to do but they don't want to).

rants of a bored guy
today was just boring. work. and more work. and when i say work, i also mean slacking off a whole other load of work.
maybe the only consolation is watching funny movies on youtube. thank YOUtube... weird al rocks. not just his songs, but his videos. weird... but its not that weird. just hilarious. i wonder what the world would be like without him...
then i got this brilliant idea for camp(RIGE). last year during war games, someone fell down and injured himself, so mr. tan will probably not allow any sort of war games unless its in the morning. not very fun. so, i was thinking. instead of that war where you pull people's tails out, why not a war where you actually shoot people? or even more relevant, a war on terror? and there's a games in war games for a reason. so, the obvious answer would be Counter-strike!
Ya, you may say its outrageous. there's no way he'd let us do that. its a computer game. but then think again. computer games in the FPS genre usually help out in the psychomotor department. importantr for guitar. also improves finger motor ability. also guitar. teamwork will be required to win(against seniors at least). team work is good. then fun. sure beats pulling peoples tails. and no injuries! or at worst someone sprains a finger while trying to press the keys.
so counter strike doesn't have anything to do with guitar? rifles sure look like guitars. and theres even guitars which look a hell lot like rifles. both make loud noises. you hold both by the neck in your un dominant hand. and you control the sound with your dominant hand. there. guitars and rifles.
but what's an eevn better reason for us to do it? cos we actually can!!! got com science club people in guitar. and not talking about any old memebers. talking about high ranking officials. like daniel and yichen. daniel being vice chair. see. told you very high. a high chair. that sounds weird.
more importantly, i don't think we would be able to whoop juniors asses if we actually play actual war games. but if cs, got pros like daniel and linky! and others. and got not too pathetic guys like me. probably get fragged a lot, but kill quite a few also. and that's cos i never play cs at home and go lanning very rarely. must be my console FPS experience.
and in cs we can dictate the rules! we will be in complete control. kicking peopel out of the server if they don't comply or stuff. i like absolute power...
now got ERP. not electronic road pricing. Extensive reading programme. some english thing. actually a cheem way of saying book review or report. so i've finished reading my book long ago. about feynman. nice guy. then now got to do the report. and i have no idea what the projects are. you're supposed to choose one of a few projects. but then i can't remember. i actualy need to go check...
then, my printer out of ink. ya. now truly out of ink. last time was almost. now its out of ink. you think it will work if i go put a pen in the printer and tie it to the moving thingy?
suddenly i'm filled with a sadness. so much to do so little time. which is kind of sad. thats why the sadness. and then i try to think of happy thoughts. but i don't. i said try, not say i think happy thoughts. i tried didn't i? then i try again. this time i do think happy thoughts. and then i forget about work and stuff.
as if RE wasn't bad enought, got a mini RE for malay. MINI?????!!!!!!no way that can be mini. got a proposal, report, presentation and the report is like an actual RE report!!!!!! now i got to think up of a topic. its kinda stupid actually.
I'm just ranting cos i'm bored. or insecure. or like to rant. or any 2 of the above. or all three of the above. i can't remember what i said to heck. i'll stop this post
maybe the only consolation is watching funny movies on youtube. thank YOUtube... weird al rocks. not just his songs, but his videos. weird... but its not that weird. just hilarious. i wonder what the world would be like without him...
then i got this brilliant idea for camp(RIGE). last year during war games, someone fell down and injured himself, so mr. tan will probably not allow any sort of war games unless its in the morning. not very fun. so, i was thinking. instead of that war where you pull people's tails out, why not a war where you actually shoot people? or even more relevant, a war on terror? and there's a games in war games for a reason. so, the obvious answer would be Counter-strike!
Ya, you may say its outrageous. there's no way he'd let us do that. its a computer game. but then think again. computer games in the FPS genre usually help out in the psychomotor department. importantr for guitar. also improves finger motor ability. also guitar. teamwork will be required to win(against seniors at least). team work is good. then fun. sure beats pulling peoples tails. and no injuries! or at worst someone sprains a finger while trying to press the keys.
so counter strike doesn't have anything to do with guitar? rifles sure look like guitars. and theres even guitars which look a hell lot like rifles. both make loud noises. you hold both by the neck in your un dominant hand. and you control the sound with your dominant hand. there. guitars and rifles.
but what's an eevn better reason for us to do it? cos we actually can!!! got com science club people in guitar. and not talking about any old memebers. talking about high ranking officials. like daniel and yichen. daniel being vice chair. see. told you very high. a high chair. that sounds weird.
more importantly, i don't think we would be able to whoop juniors asses if we actually play actual war games. but if cs, got pros like daniel and linky! and others. and got not too pathetic guys like me. probably get fragged a lot, but kill quite a few also. and that's cos i never play cs at home and go lanning very rarely. must be my console FPS experience.
and in cs we can dictate the rules! we will be in complete control. kicking peopel out of the server if they don't comply or stuff. i like absolute power...
now got ERP. not electronic road pricing. Extensive reading programme. some english thing. actually a cheem way of saying book review or report. so i've finished reading my book long ago. about feynman. nice guy. then now got to do the report. and i have no idea what the projects are. you're supposed to choose one of a few projects. but then i can't remember. i actualy need to go check...
then, my printer out of ink. ya. now truly out of ink. last time was almost. now its out of ink. you think it will work if i go put a pen in the printer and tie it to the moving thingy?
suddenly i'm filled with a sadness. so much to do so little time. which is kind of sad. thats why the sadness. and then i try to think of happy thoughts. but i don't. i said try, not say i think happy thoughts. i tried didn't i? then i try again. this time i do think happy thoughts. and then i forget about work and stuff.
as if RE wasn't bad enought, got a mini RE for malay. MINI?????!!!!!!no way that can be mini. got a proposal, report, presentation and the report is like an actual RE report!!!!!! now i got to think up of a topic. its kinda stupid actually.
I'm just ranting cos i'm bored. or insecure. or like to rant. or any 2 of the above. or all three of the above. i can't remember what i said to heck. i'll stop this post
Saturday, March 25, 2006
New template.really
now taufiq get off my back! and i'm not really very comfortable with vulgarities on this blog...
as you see i just got a new blog template, thanks to the guy who does the basic templates. then miraculously i managed to figure out what's what and formatted some stuff. this proves that you can always learn something everyday.
today performance was ok. at least people said it was ok. i agree. it was ok. but only just. i screwed up again(as usual) and the lack of songs proves a problem again. to add to that, the cheung cheng high people were in front of us, and playing diabolos and acrobatics stuff like juggling and human pyramids. so? as if the diaboloing was that good. and impressive. i do give them credit, but then they had to shout at the beginning and clap as if we weren't performing... give us some respect man... so we were background music.
Thanks to all the peopel who came down to support us. like parents. my mum, linky's parents and sister and narishka. and my guitar mentor. and other peopel who came down and i forgot to mention. and to those who supported us in spirit. and to those who believed in us...
and mr. tan...
never told us anything about a performance in aug at ttsh... i'm sure. even the vice chair doesn't know... luckily my mum was talking and got this info. now i'll be mentally prepared when he tells us...
and yesterday, after friday prayers, taufiq,adly and i were having lunch at macs, the one near 3rd lang. then got a bunch of RG girls sitting next to us. i recognised one of them from my kiq group. so we were wondering whether she heard purple passion. so i said it loudly as she was leaving. then she heard it and turned around, spotted me and said,"oh my god!" and walked out. then the whole group was outside stopped at the pathway. they were looking back so i waved! haha. then some were laughing... hope this is good. and hope i'm not that notorious in RG... like Dian going,"so THIS is Ari?" and walks away looking weird...
now got to concentrate on the upcoming concert, the RI combined musical groups concert at the esplanade! go buy tickets, cos i'm in it! haha... i think i'll be playing with another guitarist and 2 er hus(is that how to spell?). hopefully. supposed to get 2 really pro guys to play. hint... the concert is on the 28th april, and we just completed our song halfway!!???!!?!?! without any dynamics or anything!!??!?!?!?! ok i'm probably overreacting.
i better go to sleep now . my mum and dad are already asleep behind me. and tomorrow got madrasah in the morning at 8...
as you see i just got a new blog template, thanks to the guy who does the basic templates. then miraculously i managed to figure out what's what and formatted some stuff. this proves that you can always learn something everyday.
today performance was ok. at least people said it was ok. i agree. it was ok. but only just. i screwed up again(as usual) and the lack of songs proves a problem again. to add to that, the cheung cheng high people were in front of us, and playing diabolos and acrobatics stuff like juggling and human pyramids. so? as if the diaboloing was that good. and impressive. i do give them credit, but then they had to shout at the beginning and clap as if we weren't performing... give us some respect man... so we were background music.
Thanks to all the peopel who came down to support us. like parents. my mum, linky's parents and sister and narishka. and my guitar mentor. and other peopel who came down and i forgot to mention. and to those who supported us in spirit. and to those who believed in us...
and mr. tan...
never told us anything about a performance in aug at ttsh... i'm sure. even the vice chair doesn't know... luckily my mum was talking and got this info. now i'll be mentally prepared when he tells us...
and yesterday, after friday prayers, taufiq,adly and i were having lunch at macs, the one near 3rd lang. then got a bunch of RG girls sitting next to us. i recognised one of them from my kiq group. so we were wondering whether she heard purple passion. so i said it loudly as she was leaving. then she heard it and turned around, spotted me and said,"oh my god!" and walked out. then the whole group was outside stopped at the pathway. they were looking back so i waved! haha. then some were laughing... hope this is good. and hope i'm not that notorious in RG... like Dian going,"so THIS is Ari?" and walks away looking weird...
now got to concentrate on the upcoming concert, the RI combined musical groups concert at the esplanade! go buy tickets, cos i'm in it! haha... i think i'll be playing with another guitarist and 2 er hus(is that how to spell?). hopefully. supposed to get 2 really pro guys to play. hint... the concert is on the 28th april, and we just completed our song halfway!!???!!?!?! without any dynamics or anything!!??!?!?!?! ok i'm probably overreacting.
i better go to sleep now . my mum and dad are already asleep behind me. and tomorrow got madrasah in the morning at 8...
Friday, March 24, 2006
new template! not really
Thanks adly for helping me get this skin. also thanks to taufiq for donating this skin(coped from his blog) but i think it fits me better cos i like this guitar...
tomorrow is the performance. maybe i should be practicing, but heck, if i didn't screw up big time on thursday i won't screw up big time tomorrow. haha
and i got to figure out how to change the rosari thing...
tomorrow is the performance. maybe i should be practicing, but heck, if i didn't screw up big time on thursday i won't screw up big time tomorrow. haha
and i got to figure out how to change the rosari thing...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Today got this performance at Suntec. was supposed to have allthe ministers, but would you really think they would want to stay and watch a small performance by RIGE? haha
I screwed up a lot, although many people would say otherwise. am i too hard on myself? maybe i have high standards or i'm just being modest. and maybe my level too high already until not so pro people say very good even though i screw up... haha just kidding. I feel my head shrinking back to normal size.
To all my fans out there... hahaha You can catch us again on Saturday 1-2 pm at the tropics atrium. if you don't know where it is, its under the giant toys-r-us. YAY TOYS-R-US!!!
still don't know where it is? ask around or look at the map lah.
Taufiq still is bugging me. Won't tell you about what. Kind of sensitive matter. Very irritating. but i think i'm kind of getting the stockholm syndrome. For those who have no idea what that is, its something like a kidnap victim sympathising for the kidnappers and liking them. I think. hey i don't know all the answers, even if i like to think i do....
And my blog is still very plain. basic template. I promise that i'll get it done by this year! haha maybe next month. and i dunno how to put a wish list, so i'll say the few things i want.
A new blog template!!!!!!!!!!
new video games
an x box 360
a ps3
new effects pedals
A NEW BLOG TEMPLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
speaking of x box 360, i tried it out at best denki at J8. really nice. just that if you already have an x box, don't bother getting this one, cos just turn yours around fully and you'll get it...
but i must say the graphics were awesome. can't wait for ps3, cos its 100 times better.
now i got to do my malay brochure. i got no ink to print! haha got to send by email. what's her email again?
I screwed up a lot, although many people would say otherwise. am i too hard on myself? maybe i have high standards or i'm just being modest. and maybe my level too high already until not so pro people say very good even though i screw up... haha just kidding. I feel my head shrinking back to normal size.
To all my fans out there... hahaha You can catch us again on Saturday 1-2 pm at the tropics atrium. if you don't know where it is, its under the giant toys-r-us. YAY TOYS-R-US!!!
still don't know where it is? ask around or look at the map lah.
Taufiq still is bugging me. Won't tell you about what. Kind of sensitive matter. Very irritating. but i think i'm kind of getting the stockholm syndrome. For those who have no idea what that is, its something like a kidnap victim sympathising for the kidnappers and liking them. I think. hey i don't know all the answers, even if i like to think i do....
And my blog is still very plain. basic template. I promise that i'll get it done by this year! haha maybe next month. and i dunno how to put a wish list, so i'll say the few things i want.
A new blog template!!!!!!!!!!
new video games
an x box 360
a ps3
new effects pedals
A NEW BLOG TEMPLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
speaking of x box 360, i tried it out at best denki at J8. really nice. just that if you already have an x box, don't bother getting this one, cos just turn yours around fully and you'll get it...
but i must say the graphics were awesome. can't wait for ps3, cos its 100 times better.
now i got to do my malay brochure. i got no ink to print! haha got to send by email. what's her email again?
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I finally bothered myself enough to make a blog.
WE all like to BLOG...WEBLOG...
I'm still trying to figure out some stuff about this thing, but i think i'll get it soon enough.
Now i'm going to find out all the features here. Don't be surprised if you try surfing here and get your com crashed cos i have no idea what i'm doing...
I finally bothered myself enough to make a blog.
WE all like to BLOG...WEBLOG...
I'm still trying to figure out some stuff about this thing, but i think i'll get it soon enough.
Now i'm going to find out all the features here. Don't be surprised if you try surfing here and get your com crashed cos i have no idea what i'm doing...
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